Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Beer is a Liquid Food, Allays Irritability, and Eases Pain

On this election night we need a restorative. From February, 1905.
Beer is a Liquid Food

Salem is Salem

The United States Government Considers Beer a Nutritious Liquid Food

Owing to HOPS being one of the chief ingredients of beer, physicians prescribe beer as a sodasive, tending to sooth, to allay irritability and ease pain. The best of NERVE TONICS.

The MALT EXTRACT in beer furnishes the nutritious elements. It builds up the human system, furnishing new tissues in place of those wasted.

The small amount of ALCOHOL in beer is just enough to furnish a proper stimulus, so necessary to restore the worn out energy. In the true sense of the word beer should not be termed "An Intoxicant." The proportion of alcohol in beer is hardly 3 - 1/2 percent.

It's* USEFULNESS as a TEMPERANCE drink is being recognized the world over. Beer drinkers rarely, if ever, care to imbibe the more ardent liquors. The drinking of beer weens men from the stronger liquor habit, and consequently conduces to temperance and sobriety. Germany the greatest beer drinking nation, uses comparitively little strong liquor.

SALEM BEER is absolutely pure, cleanliness being the WATCHWORD. The highest grades of malt and hops are used in brewing. As a refreshing and invigorating beverage it cannot be excelled. It is the equal of any eastern beer, now on the market.

Every bottle of Salem beer is Pasteurized after it has been sealed. Salem beer fills all the requirements of high class temperance beverage.


Salem Brewery Assocation
Salem, Oregon
Phone Main 2131
*Ha! they didn't know its/it's back then, either

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