(Argo Hotel, Salem Public Library Oregon Historic Photo Collection)

On the south side of Chemeketa, the parking garage wiped out the Eldridge Block. The very south-most portion remains today as the home of Greenbaum's, but before the garage the block was three times as big, and extended to the corner where the shoe shop is today. You can see it here and here. And here is one a little later in 1954 that shows the whole Eldridge block with Greenbaum's.
(Eldridge Block, Salem Public Library Oregon Historic Photo Collection)
Another of the empty lots is the one behind TJ Maxx and Rite-Aid downtown. Next to TJ Maxx is a curious building, a gabled garage with two mostly parabolic-y arches on the side facing Marion Street. You can just see it behind the man's head in the first image.

(Orignal photo, badly identified, Salem Public Library Oregon Historic Photo Collection)

So here are three ways the old downtown used to have a lot more character. We drink a toast to lost charm and buildings lost!
I remember ground level parking west of JC Penny's in the 70's. Maybe the Argo was torn out when JCP building was built?