But Venti's executed a course-correction, and v2 looks great!
The Brew-Ho-Ho is a four round set of four beers. The same 16 beer draw, but half the number of rounds and twice the beer in each round. Win!
It's also much more interesting to get away from the IPA, same-ol', same-ol' thing.
Nicely turned!
At Venti's Downtown
Venti’s Basement Bar at the Cafe and New Belgium Beer Ranger Mat Robertson will be hosting a New Belgium Brewing Party December 7th from 6PM to close featuring six rare New Belgium Beers: New Belgium Lips of Faith Fresh Hop IPA, Lips of Faith Super Cru Belgian Strong, Lips of Faith Prickly Passion Saison, Snow Day Winter CDA, Lips of Faith “La Fleur Misseur?” Belgian Pale Ale and Abbey Dubbel.That's a solid beer week in Salem!
UPDATED: Repeal Day
Fiddlesticks! Almost forgot about Repeal Day.

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