Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Historical Odds-n-Ends

Dick Bogle, great-grandson of Anna Waldo and Richard Bogle, married in Salem in 1863, has died.

A tip of the pint to Dick Bogle and rich life.

Cincinnati Inquirer has a great story about the richness and fragility of Cincinnati's brewing heritage.
More than a century ago Over-the-Rhine's streets were lined with hundreds of saloons, teeming with lager-drinking Germans who were immersed in a beer brewing culture.

Vine Street alone was home to more than 135 saloons where beer barons like Christian Moerlein mingled with laborers. Today, that deep-rooted brewing heritage has been nearly erased from the city's landscape - the breweries demolished or left to decay.

Now preservationists are racing to save the remaining crumbling relics - considered the largest collection of their kind nationally.

"What we have is fantastic," says Mike Morgan, executive director of the Over-the-Rhine Foundation. "But these buildings are dying the death of a thousand cuts. When you look at how many of these buildings are in short-term peril of being lost, you quickly realize that this could be the decade that we fall out of touch with our heritage and lose this neighborhood as a catalyst for change."
Go read it! (h/t beervana)

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