The blog's been on hiatus, but this was too nice not to notice: The folks behind the creative pub crawls are doing a beer history tour.
We approve!
The tour starts from the Bayne building, on the alley off of State Street between Commercial and Liberty.
The Bayne building is a fine brick two-story, designed by William C. Knighton, who also designed Deepwood and the Supreme Court Building, and funded by the hops business of George Bayne.
Details here and here.
The history tour is free and starts at 6pm at the Bayne Building. Kylie Pine of Mission Mill will lead it. She also put together a larger map of Salem area hops highlights.
The beery part costs $15 and is self-guided. With a wristband you get tastes of beers from seven area breweries - seven! The sampling goes from 5pm to 9pm.